About Us
Arnold Elementary School is a Young 5 through 2nd grade learning center located on Page Avenue in the Michigan Center School District. Our population encompasses the entire district as well as students attending through the Schools of Choice policy. 340 students attend Arnold School and are served by fifteen classroom teachers. Our staff members strive to meet the wide range of students' needs in a caring manner. Supplemental learning opportunities are provided through Reading Recovery, Literacy Groups, Resource Room, and other special education programs. Children participate in daily special classes such as physical education, vocal music, and library/computers.
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation mandates testing in reading and math for students in grades 3-8. Those district scores are used to determine AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) for Arnold School. Our teachers administer individual reading and writing assessments each marking period and use the results to inform instruction. Math assessments are given twice a year to ensure that students are meeting the state expectations.
The Michigan Department of Education requires each school to file a yearly report which includes a section titled "Indicators of School Performance". Arnold School received a composite grade of "A". All staff members work hard to ensure that no child is left behind.
Mission Statement
The Arnold Elementary Staff, with the help of parents and community, is committed to giving every student a positive learning experience in a nurturing environment. We will provide a solid foundation for life-long learning.